Archive Mode. Call Formed From Flame | Clay - Metal - Glass ended on 6/5/20, 4:00 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

Terms & Conditions

Formed From Flames


  • This call is open to anyone.
  • This exhibit will be on display in the Margaret "Peg" Bowen Gallery at Valley Art Center, 155 Bell ST, Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44022.
  • Work will be judged on quality, originality, concept, design and technique.
  • Juror: Mary Urbas
  • Categories: Clay, Glass/Enamel, Metal.
  • All work must be original and created by the entering artist.
  • For this exhibit, all work must be offered for sale.
  • Art that has been previously exhibited at Valley Art Center is not eligible for entry. Accepted work, if exhibited, will not be eligible to enter in future VAC exhibits.
  • 2D work that is larger than 4 feet by 4 feet and 3D work that is larger than a 4 foot by 4 foot footprint may be limited by VAC staff.
  • Giclee (inkjet), toner or lithographic reproductions of original artwork are not permitted, except in the specific cases of fine art prints (printmaking) and/or digital photography.
  • Commercial fabrication, casting or editioning in mixed media and sculpture should be produced in keeping with fine art standards.
  • All artwork must be properly finished and ready for exhibit. All 2D work MUST be wired for hanging—no sawtooth hangers.
  • Artwork that is not properly wired will not be accepted.
  • Valley Art Center (VAC) reserves the right to refuse any artwork deemed unacceptable based on presentation and/or content or lack of relevance to the theme or pieces valued above $20,000.

Entry Policies

  • Entry fee is $15 per piece, up to 3 pieces.
  • Entry deadline is Friday, June 5, 2020 at 4 p.m.
  • No Refunds. Payment of entry fee does not guarantee acceptance.
  • All contact information must be completed in order for your application to be reviewed.
  • Please submit your title and medium exactly as you'd like it displayed on the art label.
  • Please limit the title of each piece to 37 characters and spaces or it will have to be shortened to fit this limit.
  • Digital images must be saved in the JPG (JPEG) file format.
  • Images should be no smaller than 960 pixels and no larger than 4600 pixels on the longest side.
  • Images should be no bigger than 4 Mb in file size.
  • Accepted art will be listed on this site by 5 p.m. Tuesday, June 9, 2020.

Terms of Participation

  • Artist agrees to work being displayed throughout exhibition dates.
  • VAC shall have the right to show and use the items exhibited, for the purpose of sale to its customers.
  • If accepted, deliver your art and entry paperwork in person during your assigned drop off time on Friday, June 12, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.; or Saturday, June 13, 10 a.m.–2 p.m.
  • If you are shipping your art, please confirm shipping with before you send the work. Please plan for your work to arrive by June 13, 2020 or earlier. Include a prepaid return shipping label inside the package when shipping art.
  • Deliver your art to Valley Art Center, 155 Bell Street, Chagrin Falls, OH 44022
  • Each piece must be clearly labeled with at least one entry tag per piece. For curating and jurying purposes, the tags should be attached carefully, on the back as well as folded over to the front of 2D work and on the bottom as well as folded over to the front/top of 3D work.
  • Artist shall be responsible for costs of delivery and insurance of the exhibited works during transport to and from VAC.
  • Every precaution is taken in handling piece(s) during installation and the exhibition. While on VAC premises, insurance is carried for fire, burglary and theft and is liable to the exhibitor only to the extent of its recovery under said policies. VAC reserves the right to refuse any artwork deemed 'too delicate' to adequately protect during normal handling by VAC staff. Artist MUST sign a waiver assuming ALL responsibility of said artwork during installation, exhibition and dismantling of exhibit. VAC will only cover artwork should any of the above stated situations occur while artwork is on exhibit. Valley Art Center encourages all artists to carry insurance on their own artwork.
  • Art may not be removed earlier than Wednesday, August 5, 2020 at 4pm.
  • VAC does not have adequate storage space to hold work after designated pick-up dates and times, a five (5) business day grace period is extended beyond the listed pick up dates, after which artists will be charged a storage fee of $5 per day which must be paid upon retrieval. For this exhibit the grace period will end on Friday, August 14, 2020 at 4 p.m.
  • If the artist knows there will be a conflict which prohibits pick-up during designated dates and times, the artist must arrange an appointment with the gallery manager for the artist or artist's named representative to retrieve the art immediately following the close of the exhibit.

Terms of Sale

  • Once in VAC possession for an exhibit, and through the entire duration of the exhibit, all sales of artists’ work generated by any means—including but not limited to artists’ self-promotion or social media posts—are under the umbrella of this contract based on the reasonable assumption that artist is promoting the specific piece or pieces at that particular time due to said piece or pieces being included in VAC’s exhibit.
  • VAC keeps 40% commission on the selling price of all artwork that is sold.
  • VAC shall pay the agreed amount (60% of marked price) to the exhibitor within 30 days following the end of the show on August 5, 2020.

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